Anti Burn Kit- Sunscreen SPF 40

7 Teen Essentials Checklist for a Carefree Summer

Teen Essentials Checklist It's that time of the year again peepal! Heat, humidity, AC dry-breakouts, constant thirst & a fuzzy, overworked mind- Ugh, you know that sounds like summers, don’t you? 2023 is also predicted to be one of the hottest years till date, therefore protection against the heat must also upgrade, eh!

The Summer Teen Health Mantra,

Skincare. Hydration. Headcare.

Teens are in the middle of their overall development cycle, therefore it is all the more imperative to start essential care early, Teen Essentials Checklist, afterall self care shouldn’t have an age limit!

Summers come with their own gifts of ice lollies, tans, break picnics & hill getaways.. Ah, what bliss! But then there are troubles that follow, such as dehydration, heatstroke, skin burns (proper skin roast, must say!), feels-like-fire all over and the brain starts to overheat. To protect the best parts of summers, the dark side of the sun must be tackled with and it's easily done if you have an essentials kit and a routine. Let us learn how.

Teen Essentials Checklist: 

1. Think Cool- Aloe Vera, Eye-drops..

Keeping cool has never hurt anybody & carrying cooling stuff around in your bag or keeping a kit in your room is super savvy. Aloe Vera is your skin’s best friend, especially in summers and eyedrops help soothe your burning eyes. Keep some mint candies and other cooling tidbits in your kit to stay fresh all the time!

Teen Essentials Checklist

2. Protection & Anti Burn Kit- Sunscreen SPF 40 & above, Face Ice Rollers, Ice packs..

It is very important to understand the relevance of Sunscreen in your life, much more in the summer. It is a Super No-No to step outdoors without sunscreen, keep some ice-packs and face ice rollers handy if you have to stay outdoors for long. Remember, it is very important to keep cool (from the cooling kit above!) and also prepare in case you get super summer burnt.

3. The Hydration Kit- Energy Mix Sachets, Glucose sachets, mini water spray..

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, we will say it again- Hydration is your ultimate saviour, a max-must in the summers! It not only rejuvenates your skin, keeps you fresh but also helps your system to work fine in optimum temperature. If going outdoors, keep energy mix sachets, glucose mini-packs in case you feel flushed. We are big fans of mini spray water bottles for an immediate cooling effect on the face, do try it! xoxo

Teen Essentials Checklist

4Clothing Essentials

Wear cotton clothes in summers as they provide max breathability and always remember to carry a headscarf to protect yourself from getting a heat stroke. Carry a small towel if you plan to stay outdoors for long, using tissues on your face too many times can make your skin super-dry and rash prone.

5. Cute Essentials

Hat, Cute Sunglasses, Cool Hair bands, scarves and all that you can need on a sultry afternoon, take time- find them, get them and keep them ready every time you have to go out. Pre-prep for a stylish summer- Lit advice sisters!

6. The Period Kit

This goes for all seasons yes- a period kit with period panties, painkillers, chocolate etc. is highly important. You could also carry some menstrual cups, tampons because somebody around us might need help when we are out!

Teen Essentials Checklist

7. A Reusable Water Bottle Please!

Cannot stress upon this enough!! Carrying a reusable water bottle gives you a good hydration routine and also keeps the planet safe from more plastic junk.

Very simple teens, keep Your Essentials kit ready for summers and have a blast with super confidence. And also psst, be that popular friend everybody loves, because you are ever so perfect and ready with your kit *winks* !!

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