Hurdles That Make Periods Torturous

Women face many challenges in their life and one of the major challenges faced by most women is “Periods”. Menstruation commonly known as periods is the natural process that occurs every month. It is the flow of blood from the inner lining of the uterus through the vagina. It occurs after 28-45 days. Every woman has a different cycle. With the medium of this blog, we want to highlight the issues and problems commonly faced by women so that we can understand women better and solve those problems to give them an environment in which they can openly share their problems and feel secure and comfortable. Here is the list of the most common problems faced at the time of menstruation

Heavy Bleeding 

Just like their period cycle, every woman has a different type of menstrual flow in which some women face heavy bleeding. This condition is called “Menorrhagia”. Excessive loss of blood can cause anemia, general weakness, and tiredness. 

Menstrual Cramps


One of the most common problems, almost every woman experiences menstrual cramps from mild to severe. It results from the uterus contracting. The term "Dysmenorrhea" is also used to describe these menstrual cramps. If these cramps are getting too hard to tackle it is important that you should seek medical advice.   

Menstrual Irregularities

As already written above every woman has a different cycle from 28-45 days, mostly women know when their period is going to happen but sometimes their period cycle becomes irregular which makes it difficult to identify. It happens due to a stressed lifestyle, improper nutrition, unhealthy food, poor sleep patterns, alcohol consumption, smoking, etc. There are certain medical conditions that contribute to menstrual irregularities, to cure these conditions it is important to know what these conditions are. Let’s discuss these conditions in detail. 

1 - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) 

It is a kind of hormonal disorder caused due to enlargement of ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges. The level of male hormones called androgen escalates in a woman’s body. The cause of this disorder is not well known yet.


2 - Endometriosis 

In this condition similar to the tissues that line the uterus growing outside the uterus, these tissues grow and bleed with every period but the blood cannot find the way to leave the body and becomes stuck. Endometriosis may contribute to painful menstrual cycles.

3 - Uterine Fibroid 

Non-cancerous growth in or on the uterus is also called leiomyomas. They are basically composed of muscle and fibrous tissue and can vary in size. It causes distortion in the uterus. Some symptoms of Uterine fibroid are heavy bleeding during periods, pelvic pain, frequent urination, constipation or bloating, visible swelling, etc.

4 - Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

It is an infection in the female reproductive system including the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes defined as the inflammation in the upper parts of the reproductive system.   

Premenstrual Syndrome 

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) refers to a combination of physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms that occur in some individuals in the days leading up to menstruation. It typically starts around the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, which is the second half of the cycle after ovulation, and may persist until menstruation begins. PMS is a common condition, affecting a significant number of menstruating individuals.  

Symptoms of PMS can vary widely from person to person and may range from mild to severe. Some common physical symptoms include: 

1 - Breast tenderness 

2 - Abdominal bloating 

3 - Headaches 

4 - Fatigue 

5 - Changes in appetite:

Mental and Social Problems 

Not only physically, periods are also socially and mentally challenging due to the myths and shame regarding these. Women already go through so much stress and pain during this time and in addition to that they suffer discrimination and stigmas which impact their daily activities, education and work.


In conclusion, the journey through menstruation can often feel like navigating a torturous path filled with numerous hurdles. From physical discomfort and emotional fluctuations to societal stigmas and lack of access to adequate resources, the challenges surrounding periods are undeniably significant. However, by fostering open conversations, promoting awareness, and striving for better healthcare and support systems, we can work together to alleviate these hurdles and make menstruation a more manageable and empowering experience for all.