Period Pedia By Dr Garima Srivastav - D'chica's Consulting Gynae - D'chica

Periods Pedia By Dr Garima Srivastav - D'chica's Consulting Gynae

What is the correct age for getting periods and what should be the ideal duration?

Correct age of getting periods and duration

Periods are natural and one of the adolescents' most important physiological responses. It starts with girls, between the ages of 10-15 years. On average, it stops in between the age of 50-55 years, also known as menopause. A girl can conceive during her menstrual cycle, but getting pregnant before 18 years of age is very harmful.

What kind of changes happens during adolescence?

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Why Do Women Have Periods?  

why do women have periods

How To Calculate Menstrual Cycle?

how to calculate menstrual cycle?

The difference between the two menstrual cycles is the duration of the menstrual cycle itself, its counting begins from the first day of the period in a month to the first day of the period in the next month. The menstrual cycle on average is 28 days. It is normal for this cycle to be between the range of 21 to 35 days.

What problems do women face during periods?

problems during periods

What are some remedies for period pain?

remedies during periods

When to see a Doctor?

when to see a doctor

What should we eat during periods?

what to eat during periods

Why Is Period Panty The Best Sanitary Product For You?

FAQs About Period Panties

Are Period Panties safe & hygienic to use? 

Period Panties are completely safe, but be absolutely sure to pick high-quality, premium products that are toxin-free (Phthalates, PFAS & PFOS free, to be specific). It is definitely hygienic - it's leak-free, provides full coverage and can last up to 8 hrs!

period panty is best sanitary product

How are period panties made to be repeatedly used? 

Due to the various absorption layers of the fabric, period panties can be washed and reused as frequently as desired. The underlying layers of the period panties are made from a moisture-wicking fabric made up of thousand small filaments. These fibres trap the blood & very efficiently avoid leakage and dampness. The various layers & moisture-wicking ability of period panties also ensure an odour-free experience and prevent bacterial, and fungal infections; assuming that the panties are changed every 6-8 hrs and proper usage & cleanliness of the product are maintained by the wearer.

Happy Periods!

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