Menstrual Health is much more than Hygiene!

A girl typically has her period five days per month, 12 months per year, and continues to do so until she reaches menopause in 30 to 40 years. 

Positive views toward menstruation and encouraging social norms are all that are necessary. Girls should understand the physiological effects of menstruation and the reasons for their periods. She must be aware of the variety of reusable and disposable menstruation absorbents that are secure and hygienic. Negative and damaging taboos and social conventions around menstruation can sustain a climate of silence and unfavorable views, thus they should be addressed to lessen their long-term effects.

However, when it comes to hygiene, everyone, whether they are parents, mentors, or teachers, should educate girls on how to change their pads every 6-7 hours during periods, how to wash their hands after changing their pads, how to properly wash their genitals, how to manage odours, and many other things. Educate them on why menstrual hygiene is important and how it plays a great role to stay healthy. But other than hygiene, menstrual health is much more important. Menstrual health is the biggest concern in today's world.

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Let’s talk about Menstrual Health

Complete physical, mental, and social welfare in regard to the menstrual cycle is referred to as menstrual health. In regard to the monthly cycle, menstrual health is a condition of the whole physical, mental, and social well-being rather than only the absence of illness or infirmity. 

  • Physical 

It's important to maintain your physical health during your period. We need to take care of ourselves since, as we all know, it leads to bloating, migraines, and moodiness. The worst-case scenario for women with anxiety or depressive disorders might occur when they are menstruating. 

It's very important to take care of your physical health during your period.

  • Have a hot bath.
  • Place a heating pad or hot water bottle on the area where the cramps are.
  • Stretching is a relaxing activity that can help you unwind.
  • Eat nutritious foods.
  • Get adequate rest.
  • Take a warm beverage.
  • Mental

Things you can do to maintain your mental health during menstruation are:

  • Monitor your cycle
  •  Monitoring your menstrual cycle can help you identify changes in your mental health and take steps to improve your wellness.
  • Set up a daily exercise schedule.
  • Every night, get a good night's sleep.
  • Consume a healthy diet.
  • Social well-being 

You can create healthy interactions with others during periods when your social wellness is at its highest degree. You can learn assertiveness and become more at ease with who you are in social circumstances by having a supportive social network. Having a supportive social network around you boosts your self-esteem and makes you feel happy. It gives you positivity and helps you feel better during menstruation by diverting your mind.

Take care of your menstrual health by following these simple remedies!

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a nutritious diet, avoiding salt in food and cooking.

cutting back on coffee,

Reestablishing your sleep pattern,

Engaging in regular daily exercise and managing stress

Drinking  warm water

Talking to your friends and family

Watching your favourite movie or reading your favourite books

All of these things can help you live a better life and reduce the severity of PMS symptoms, such as moodiness and painful periods.

How can you, as a parent, look after your teen's menstrual health?

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  • Understand Your Teen 

Teenagers experience several spirals of change, both physical and mental, during the challenging years of puberty. During this procedure, they become suddenly acquainted with a flurry of emotional experiences. The majority of these changes are puzzling; suddenly, hormones are in charge of the body, and even the strongest among us struggle to deal with that on a daily basis.

As an understanding parent, you should act as a confidant throughout this stage of life because it is so important for their future and personality development. This involves providing a safe space without any bias.

  • Spend some quality time with your teen

Don't let irritation and rage control you. It's crucial for parents to exercise patience, trust, and love when dealing with stressful teenage situations. Make room for it if you believe that some downtime will help you feel better or that a break will help your teen manage the overwhelming emotions they are experiencing.

A little additional time can work wonders for your relationship and will provide your child with the sense of support and validation they need. It will also show them that you care about them and that you recognize their current struggles.

  • Be your teen's best partner

 Make your child comfortable and treat them like a friend. Talk with them in their bro code. Respect their decisions and do not end the conversations on a negative note. Behave with them as if you are friends, and observe the changes. Without hesitation, they will begin to express their feelings toward you. Give them a little space and try to understand their concerns and points. Anger and a harsh tone may sour any debate, so keep yourself cool and keep the conversation politically charged.